TM Sporting Ltd - Tom Manganiello Hunting and Shooting in Scotland and the Balkans

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Shooting or Hunting over Pointers

Information about shooting / hunting with dogs or over pointers
Shooting Over Pointers

Over Pointers


Shooting or Hunting over pointers is very relaxed and enjoyable. It's done walking against the wind with an open empty gun while the pointers are scenting the air for game. Once the dog stops and is clearly on point, then usually 2 shooters at a time will walk up behind the dog and load the guns. The dog handler then solicits the dogs to flash the game. Once the game is flashed, it is all left to the safe, experienced and accurate shooting of the guns.


Expected Bag is between 20 and 25 heads per day for the whole party.


A party of 4 guns is an ideal number for a day shooting Over Pointers. Two teams of 2 guns each take turns each time the dogs are on point.

What to shoot over pointers

Shooting over pointers is mainly done for Grouse or partridges.

Special notes

Although there are many types of pointing dogs ie.
  • English pointers
  • Irish/English and Gordon Setters
  • German Short/Wire Haired pointers
  • Brittany Spaniel
  • Italian Spinone
  • Italian Bracco
  • Hungarian Vislas etc etc
we usually use English pointers, English Setters, German Pointers or Irish Setters.


Best period for shooting Grouse over pointers is end of August and for Partridges middle of September.


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